At Casey's Place
Visiting Cats Enjoy:
Our Motto:
What To Pack For Kitty's Visit

When your cat comes to Casey's Place for a visit we will provide the basic necessities of life - food, water, litter and litter box, furniture to play/nap/sit on, a window to keep all those birds outside in line from, a spot of sun to sit in on sunny days, and some human company.
What your cat would really like is reminders of home. Look at it from your cat's point of view - he/she is sitting around having an ordinary day at home and suddenly is whisked away to someplace new. They don't know what's going on or why they have suddenly lost their home and everything and everybody they know and love. It helps the cats if they have items here they are familiar with. For example, your cat's favorite toys or bed, or items their humans have been using such as a tee shirt or pillowcase. Please don't wash these items before bringing them, cats are very scent oriented, what they like about these items is that they smell like home, if you wash them they will lose that smell. These items are always favorites of the cats.
What your cat would really like is reminders of home. Look at it from your cat's point of view - he/she is sitting around having an ordinary day at home and suddenly is whisked away to someplace new. They don't know what's going on or why they have suddenly lost their home and everything and everybody they know and love. It helps the cats if they have items here they are familiar with. For example, your cat's favorite toys or bed, or items their humans have been using such as a tee shirt or pillowcase. Please don't wash these items before bringing them, cats are very scent oriented, what they like about these items is that they smell like home, if you wash them they will lose that smell. These items are always favorites of the cats.
Leo and Neville are best buds