Directions to Casey's Place
Casey's Place is located in northern Anoka County near Stacy, Minnesota which is just north of Forest Lake, Minnesota. We are about a half hour drive north of White Bear Lake, Minnesota and about an hour drive north of Minneapolis. |
To get to Casey's Place:
Contact Information
Casey's Place
24301 E Typo Dr, Stacy, MN 55079
That is a landline, NOT A CELL PHONE, text messages are not received or responded to
Casey's Place is out in the country, back in the woods, with little to no cell phone reception
email: [email protected]
Owner/Operator: Nancy Zeidlik
My brother made a short video which finally provides an answer to the question:
Is sleep the only thing cats do?
Cats Sleep
An original video by Al Zeidlik
A note from a young caretaker
to help us understand her cat
Young Molly (on the floor) likes to follow big sister Tiptoe wherever she goes